Mittwoch, 17. Februar 2010

More from the Glitterati - Zoya Roxy

Hellooooo my dear fiends!

I am still all tied up with work, so I'll be gone from Thursday till Saturday again *sniff*
Nevertheless, I got something prrrrrrretty for you today, staying with my new Glitter addiction I grabbed Zoya Roxy out of the Helmer today. Roxy is a deep pink leaning towards purple Glitter polish, the Glitter chunks are all the same size and feature the same color as the base.application was fine and, what is even more important, removal was actually okay, I didn't have any bigger problems except polishing off some glitter residues off my fingers. Roxy is part of the regular Zoya polish line, it was not part of the Zoya Ultra Glitter Collection which came out Winter 2009. The closest match from that Collection would be Zoya Nova, which features a similar color but enriched with silver glitter chunks.
But enough babbling, on to the picks!

Oh and before I forget:
The deadline for my Giveaway will be this sunday, so go ahead and sign up if you haven#t done so already :-) The Link and the rules can be found on the upper right corner of my blog!

Zoya Roxy

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picture taken with flash

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indoor light

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I applied two coats for it to be opaque. Did you notice, how the color in the bottle still looks slightly darker than the polish applied? I was a bit bummed out about that, since I actually looked forward to the bottle color.
But hey, I am the infamous queen of layering, so I applied Zoya Hope as a base, which is a rich creme purple and added Zoya Roxy as a Topping

Here is the result:

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Now we're talking! Loooooooove this!

So that's it for midweek, see you back soon my dear fiends!

3 Kommentare:

Trincess hat gesagt…

Das ist ja ein toller Lack =)))) Ich liebe es auf deiner Nägel! <3

Paige hat gesagt…

Ooo, that is a beautiful polish, I love the glitter!

Charis hat gesagt…

Awwww :-)
you guys always leave the sweetest comments! Thanks!